Hello Pony Tail Acres fans, hasn’t the weather been beautiful this weekend? We’ve been having a fun time getting some much needed sun therapy, and getting a few items done around the farm as well.
First off, Lisa May is ready to pop. Big time. She is within her allotted foaling time frame right now so we expect to meet the newest addition to PTA any day now. Will it be a filly or a colt? Palomino, bay, chestnut? What kind of markings will it have? Will it roan out like Daddy Coolio or grey like Momma Lisa? So many questions that we just can’t answer until Lisa decides its time. So we wait and watch the camera until it happens.
Spring has sprung around here. Flowers we didn’t know about are coming up all over the place. Daffodils coming up along the edge of the paddocks, lilies putting there heads up by the house, and the beautiful tulip magnolia trees are blooming their hearts out. Such a wonderful earth awakening after a hard winter with the added treat of finding out just what plants and flowers this farm already has!
With such pretty weather, it’s hard to watch other people ride my horses for me, but with the growing belly its necessary :(. Still, seeing my sister on a horse after so many years brings a smile to my face. Zoomer loves her! Check out that pretty trot in the second picture :).
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