Website Update! And other farm going-ons…..

Hello everyone! It’s been way too long since an update, but when you have a newborn, that’s what happens!  So just to let you know we are updating our website with plenty of pictures and information and just in general making the site more user friendly....

Working hard during nice spring weather :)

Have you driven by lately?  Does the property look slightly better than this time last year? Great…because we certainly think it looks better, and we are doing the hard work to prove it!  Aside from continuously updating, repairing, and facelifting the horse...

Babies, babies, everywhere!

Menai Lisa May and High Hopes (Rhovanny Stables) have produced two wonderful babies from our stallion, Midnight’s Sleightly Cool, this year.  We are planning on adding a third broodmare to the group this year, Attitude Plus.  She is an off the track TB....